Top 9  Asanas -For Obesity-Weight Loss

Top 9 Asanas -For Obesity-Weight Loss


Asana for weight loss is quite very effective despite believe and all rumors it has proven itself from decades, All rishi monies used asana to be effective in all aspect of their life

Why to loose weights ?? How to lose weights??

These are the most common question in peoples mind because knowers in the current environment every other people is suffering from obesity no maters he is child or an adult male or female, beating the racism it invades in depth across various communities causing an immature growth in childrens,heart diseases, asthma, various joint problems most commonly back and knee pain and a lot of others. There are number of disease which are either manifested by obesity or by acting as a helping factor in making worse

Our world is full of rumors and disbelieve every other people have as advice for you , If you go out and ask anybody for the treatment of knee pain they might have bombarded you with tons of suggestions which is equally dangerous as a disease  

Although our rishis might know this long times before so they come with solution, and provided majestic 9 sets of asana which if done properly constantly for time it might gave you not only reduction in your obesity or fat but also benefits in many other ways such as mental wellness, happiness, flexibility, stability and a lot more

The first asana is GARUDASANAS also called as Eagle Pose as we know earlier one asana is not only having one benefits its comes up with other benefits also 

It helps in loosen stiffness in upper extremities (includes shoulders, elbow, hands and fingers) as well as in lower extremities(includes hip, thigh ,knee and ankle)

Reduces fat from our arms, calves and thigh

It stretches our spine which means it also helps in back pain by lossing our spine

Helps in improving  our balance

Tones and strengthen our both hands and legs

Technique to performs Graudasanas:

Stand straight bend right knee slightly and place left thigh over the right thigh
Twist left calf around the right , so that left big toe hooks around the inner side of the right calf
Cross right elbow over the left , twist left forearm around the right so that the palm comes in forward and face each other
Raise arms to shoulder level and straighten and elongate your back
Straightens right knee and maintain the pose ,breathe normally
Breath out and return back to original pose
Repeat with the opposite leg and arm in front

Our second Asana is Parighasna( also known as Gate Pose)

Techniques to perform Parighasanas:

Kneel down on knees with thigh  and abdomen straight
Stretches left leg to left in line with the trunk ,knee pointing upwards and raise both arms up parallel to the floor
Breathe out then bend your abdomen and left arm to the left in line with the left leg and rest the forearm on the shin with the palm facing downwards 
Take right arm over the head with the palm facing downwards and touch left palm without bending forward
Maintain the pose and breathe normally
Repeat it with opposite side

Third Asana Is GOMUKHASANA( Cow’s Face Pose)

Technique to performs Gomukhasanas
Sit with left leg stretched in front and arms on side of hip
Raise hip and bent left knee to the left along the floor and place left horizontally under the hips
Gently sit over it
Bend right knee and place right thigh on top of the left thigh with outer border of right foot resting horizontally on to the floor along with toes pointing backwards
Keep you back straight
Raise left arm  and bend it at the elbow and place palm facing forward between your both shoulders
Take right arm behind, bent it at the elbow and place palm facing backward between your shoulders
Grasp fingers of both hand and bring your both hands closer to each other  by relaxing your both elbow towards backwards
Breathe normally and maintain the pose
Breathe out and return to normal position

Fourth Asana is ARDHACHANDRASANAS( also known as half moon pose)

 Techniques to perform ardhachandrasanas or half moon pose

Stand straight  with feet’s apart and Bend forward
Bend left knee and drag right foot forward and put left hand on the floor, one foot away and slightly outside or in the line of your trunk line
Breath out and straighten left leg and raise right leg to bring it in line worth the trunk  with the palm of both hands and toes of right foot  pointing forward
Turn head upwards and gaze at right thumb balancing the body on the left hand and leg
Breath in and breathe out and return to normal position
Repeat it with other side

Fifth Asana Is PAWANMUKTASANAS(Gas Releasing Pose)

Techniques to perform Pawanmuktasanas( Gas Releasing Pose)
Lie on your back with both feet together
Breathe out and bend your both knees and hold shins down with locked hands or crossed forearms
Breathe in and breathe out and raise head up and touch forehead to knees
Breath normally and maintain your pose
Breath in and return to your normal pose

Sixth Asana Is EKPADA RAJAKAPOTASANAS also known as Pigeon Pose

Techniques to perform pigeon pose or Ekpada Rajakapotasanas
Sit with straight legs
Bend left knee parallel to the floor and touch your heel to right hip
Take your right leg towards back and stretch it straight with toes pointing backwards 
Put your hands on waist and move your head backwards
Place hands on the floor and bend your right knee with foot bring close to the head
Breathe out and take arms at one time over the head  to hold the right foot
Breathe normally and maintain your pose
Repeat it with other side

Seventh Asana Is URDHVA DHANURASANA ( also known as Upward Bow Pose)

Techniques to perform Upward Bow Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana
Lie on your back with feet apart approx. 6 inches
Bend your knees and bring feet close to the thigh
Take your arms over the head and place then close to the shoulders with elbows bent and fingers pointing towards feet
Breath out and raise your back or trunk and chest by putting pressure of hands and feet on the ground and opening up elbows and knees partially
Place your head on ground by extending the neck
Breath out and raise head from the floor and take trunk still higher by straightening the arms and raising the thighs and abdomen as high as possible
Keep palm and soles of feet firmly on the floor 
Breathe normally and maintain the pose
Breath out with lowering the body gently on floor and relax

Eight Asans Is ARDHA MATSYENDRASAN  also known as Lord Matsyendra’s Pose

Technique to perform lord Matsyendra’s Pose or Ardha Matsyendrasan

Sit with leg straight in the front
Bend your knees parallel to the floor ,raise hips, place foot horizontally under them and sit over it
Bend left knee vertically and place foot on  outside or right thigh with shin perpendicular to floor
Breathe out and twist 90  degree to left ,and bring right armpit over left knee
Again breath out and twist right arm around the left knee and place it behind the back
Breathe out and take left arm backwards and grip your opposite hand
Turn your head either toward right or left and gaze at the center of eyebrow or over the shoulder
Breathe normally while maintain the pose
Return to normal position and repeat it with opposite side by siting on left foot  and twisting towards right

Ninth Asana Is BHARAD VAJARASANA also known as Bharad Vaj ‘s Pose

Sit with feet straight and spine erect
Bend both knees so that they point to the right and feet to the left and raise the left arm up
Breathe out and twist trunk towards the right ,bring down and push left hand under right thigh  with palm facing the floor
Tale right hand behind your back while holding your left arm
Look over the left shoulder, breathe normally while maintain the position
Return to your normal positions and repeat it with opposite side



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