What is guna in yoga???

What is guna in yoga???


What is guna??????

So what is gunna before knowing what is guna we have to go little bit deeper how it comes into existance, as our anciestors said there are mainly six types emotions kama(infatuation) krodh (anger)  lobha (Greed)  moha (lust)  Mada (pride)   matsara (Malice)exists so according to rishi this only leads to  wastes of our pure energy so they embark as the main enemies of the man so, to minimize this waste of  energy, rishi comes ionto play, the seers of yore, and made disciplines of yoga

which can be categorized in mainly three different roles Tamas, Rajas, and sattwa where tamas is inertia means static state rajas helps to maintain physical activity performance while sattwa is refreeing as awekaning of intelligence lets go deeper in each of three gunna

Tamas Guna:

As i already said its basically refer to static state of the body but it also refer as ignorance and darkness you can experience the tamas guna completely for instances in natural sleep one neither experience ones own existence nor withness the state of sleep that consciousness is completely under the influence of tamas guna so that when u wake up from bed after long sleep it offers the entry in sattwa and raj guna and offers virtues of serenity

Rajas guna:

It is maintained as wave the rate of your physical activity yo do every day in spiritual it is used to pierce and penetrate towards the core of the what is human being  all as a and various pranayama practice is a part of rajas guna which purify and enhances our Rajas guna it is believed that if u want to have succeed in sattwa guna raj guna is key component to its essential approach

Sattwa guna:

Under the influence of sattwa guna people intelligence level increase to its maximum potential it performs correctly and constantly this is to do with more attention to the core of human being which is mind intelligence and consciousness it gives knowledge joy calmness

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